Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Iron Grip

I believe that throughout one’s life, he will continue to find himself. The search is never-ending. That’s what I believe. I don’t know about you.

We’ll come to a certain point of time, where we would think that we have everything. We would think that we are content. But being human, we will never be able to satisfy ourselves. We will keep on dreaming while trying to compete with each other and achieve our ambition in life.

The only full stop is when you leave the world behind. You leave this hedonistic world and come back to the ONE.

While we are doing all those “businesses” on earth, we often forget that we are answerable to HIM. The basic questions of what, who, when, where, why and how. Sometimes you just want to answer it later than now. That’s why we end up doing things without thinking, or specifically without questioning ourselves, the reason behind our deeds.

Sometimes you feel that things that happen to you are too good to be true. Sometimes you feel like you are playing with fire.

It’s ironic isn’t it? You need to have the skills to tell them apart. If you feel that things that happen are becoming too much for you to handle then maybe it is time for you to do some reality check and start to get a grip on your life again.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Friends are like sandwich. They fulfill you :)

The post title is quoted from my gorgeous darling, Dayana. Thanks for the caption and the pics, babe!

Very fulfilling indeed!

In 20 or 30 years time or when I'm old enough to get grandchildren, I want to look back at these photos and be able to smile as I have experienced the most amazing time with my girlfriends.

My Gorgeous Geeks!

You're only young once. Do all those silly little things while you can. Live life to the fullest. 
Because one day, you have to give some of them up.

* Credit to Azzwaa and Dayana for the photos

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Festival of Lights

Malaysia is known as a melting pot of different cultures, religions and ethnicities. All coming together to form a multicultural country that we live in now. I love the fact that Malaysians, regardless race, creed or color, celebrate some of its biggest celebrations together harmoniously. That is also why Malaysia is among the Top 10 Countries in The World with Most Public Holidays. Because we have too many festivities to celebrate every year!

Speaking of which, I was involved again in an event at my workplace just recently. In the spirit of 1Malaysia, we rallied behind the effort in realizing the success of the Open House to celebrate Deepavali. Some of the important elements such as "Kolam" (a form of Indian painting that is drawn using colorful rice powder) and "Kuthu Vilakku" (a lamp with a long metal handle and a broader head which holds oil) were also injected to the event to create the perfect ambiance for this "Festival of Lights".  

As much as I wanted to elaborate on the event, I don't want you to feel bored reading all the details. Plus, it's getting late and my fingers feel numb. Hehehe.. Hence, enjoy the pictures!!!

Clockwise: Deputy Foreign Minister and wife light up the oil lamp, Performers from Indrani Dance Academy, Indian Hand Adornments, Madhu: Daughter of Indrani Dance Academy's Pricipal, Kolam and Siew: Singing "Bukan Cinta Biasa"

Shifa and Friends! What a happy day for all of us!

"Bole Chudiyan" and "En Chella Peru Apple"

With our biggest supporters :)

Last but not least....


My Favourite Girls!! They're just fun to be with!!

I would like to apologize if the colors from the pictures strain your eyes while reading this entry.
And I'm sorry too, if you are color blind then you wouldn't know how colorful the pictures are :p

Good night peeps!!

* Credit to Al-Fadil Adam, Lisya Ramly and Mohd Fadlie Shah for the brilliant pictures

Monday, November 14, 2011

Someone Like You

I'm currently listening to this song by Adele. Every now and then. At home, in the car, at the office. Her voice is so powerful that you could feel the song by heart. It can give you goosebumps if you listen to the lyrics word by word. Bold yet beautiful. Other than "Rolling in the Deep", this is the only song by Adele that I'm listening to.

The story behind the lyrics may not related to some of us, but somehow I can relate to her by listening to this song. I feel like she is my best friend who is telling me her story. How devastated she was with her broken relationship. 

And this part touches me the most..

"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead"

After all, love never has a happy ending. I can't imagine losing the people that I love. I tend not to dwell on it. I am not prepared. And I never will.

"Nothing compares,
No worries or cares,
Regret and mistakes,
They're memories made,
Who would have known how
bittersweet this would taste?"

For now, I just want to live the moment and enjoy every nanosecond of it.

The past and future is secondary to me.

Call me hopeless romantic, I don't mind.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Look Who’s Cooking!!!

She's working it out!

This is the first cookbook by Eva Longoria, one of the hottest woman of the century, with the curves to die for, both by her male and female fan. She wrote this book, of course by the help of others, i.e. PA, mother, sisters, personal chef, nutritionist, editor, graphic designer, photographer, stylist, make-up artist and the list goes on. Just look at the book cover, how can she struts herself confidently like that after cooking? I mean if it happens in real life. Yes, it’s for marketing purpose obviously. A real housewife doesn’t look sleek and clean and yummy like that after working her ass off in the kitchen, huh? By the look of the cover and the book title, Eva’s Kitchen: Cooking with Love for Family and Friends, you might find yourself feeling inferior when you realize that this does not happen to all of us most of the time.

I’m having a little tiny bit of problem here when it comes to food. I love to eat, I don’t mind waiting for my food while it is being prepared, but I don’t really fancy cooking for myself, or for others. Kesian laki aku, I know. But, on the other side, I don’t mind washing the dishes or cleaning the kitchen after having the meal prepared by others. In some occasion, especially during my student days in the UK, I would find myself in the kitchen, cooking, when there was no one else preparing food for me or when I felt like hosting a makan-makan for my friends. And baking is not in my dictionary, mind you.

To my future husband, please bear with me, please accept the way I am, that one of my weaknesses is I am not a great cook. But to tell you the truth, I have this intention that I’ll try my best to cook for you, at least once a week, once we live together. Insha’ Allah. I know that you are better cook than myself, that’s why I fell in love with you *puke* (I knew it! You must have put something in the food that I ate). I really appreciate that you spent the whole month of winter holiday of 2007 cooking for me and my “friends”. Dear “friends”, you know who you are. Lol. Come to think of it now, how could I be easily fooled by your ayam masak merah, nasi ayam, nasi minyak, nasi lemak etc at that time, not knowing that you had a hidden agenda! Pfftt.

Well, it’s going to be a huge challenge altogether when we shift to another stage of our life. I just want to be reminded, how I fell in love with you 3 years ago. Definitely, kuasa air tangan has proved to be one of the reasons. Just so you know Sayang, being pretty (sleek-cum-clean-cum-polished-cum-yummy) and cooking fingerlicious food don't go along well together. I can only do ONE thing at a time. Peace out :p

My Dear "Friends" hehehehehe (January 2008)