Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Iron Grip

I believe that throughout one’s life, he will continue to find himself. The search is never-ending. That’s what I believe. I don’t know about you.

We’ll come to a certain point of time, where we would think that we have everything. We would think that we are content. But being human, we will never be able to satisfy ourselves. We will keep on dreaming while trying to compete with each other and achieve our ambition in life.

The only full stop is when you leave the world behind. You leave this hedonistic world and come back to the ONE.

While we are doing all those “businesses” on earth, we often forget that we are answerable to HIM. The basic questions of what, who, when, where, why and how. Sometimes you just want to answer it later than now. That’s why we end up doing things without thinking, or specifically without questioning ourselves, the reason behind our deeds.

Sometimes you feel that things that happen to you are too good to be true. Sometimes you feel like you are playing with fire.

It’s ironic isn’t it? You need to have the skills to tell them apart. If you feel that things that happen are becoming too much for you to handle then maybe it is time for you to do some reality check and start to get a grip on your life again.

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