Thursday, December 16, 2010

Von Java

One of my favourite movies is Bride Wars. Yes, what a typical girly girl I am.


The movie start with the two main actresses childhood's scene.

Where as little girls, they already had imagined of what their dream wedding would look like and had a role-play of it.

Most of us I'm sure, had that kind of moment too as a kid. I myself like to play 'kahwin-kahwin' where I used to play the 'Mak Andam' role (I seldom play the bride because all the boys that I play with were not 'hot' enough). Ceh, kecik-kecik dah demand...


To me, this is the idea of a dream wedding...


In which my husband-to-be would expose his 'nippie' to the guests.

For the very last time in his life. With flowers dangling from his ears.

With high-waisted sarong, matching gold bangles/belt and electric blue hat-thingy on his head.

The very last time in his entire life that he'll make me very very happy.

And the rest of the guests admiring his edginess.

He could show his muscle and that tanned skin of him which I adore and model every flowery aspects of the accessories to the public before he'll be totally mine.

A wedding to remember for all.


What the!?

Hehe, can what? (Bukannya aurat pun for the guys...)

Haha.. I'm just kidding. I want my grandparents live longer and meet their great-grandchildren.


Anyway, that's Dian Sastrowardoyo wedding picture where they wore those outfits for a ritual session I think. Sorry Dian, I made fun of Maulana. Hihi...


To those who didn't know, I am half Malaysian and half Indonesian. My maternal grandparents are from Central Java and my grandmother still live there.

And maybe because of that, I dream of having a traditional Javanese wedding since I was 5 years old.

Since 5 years old too, I want a Mat Salleh husband to cuddle with during my wedding photoshoot like this.

Hohoho... Anyway, black colours usually worn by the people of Central Java.

People from West Java (Bandung) and East Java (Surabaya) usually wear white.

Note: What a 'shy' couple they were, putting their hands on their lap like that. But they have their 'funny' Uncle behind them.


Just so you know, black-cum-velvet and white-cum-shy is no longer IN.

And for my Javanese Wedding inspiration, I would say that what these couples wear is traditionally trendy...

Bunga Citra Lestari & Ashraf Sinclair

Dian Sastrowardoyo & Maulana Indraguna Sutowo

Myra & Aizam ( Anna-Rina Photography )

Again, Dian & Maulana - This time decently covered.
(Notice that Dian have the same printed red fabric on her waist like in the 'kemban' picture)


Teheehee... And that was it for now. 

More entries to come... On how I aspire my dream wedding would be like and what inspire me. Till then ;)

Note to boyfie : Don't worry. You don't have to wear that brown 'skull cap' for my Javanese theme wedding. I allow you to put on the black songkok instead Sayang!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

To err is human, To forget divine


I feel like writing today. Maybe it will make me feel better.


I need to learn how to tolerate STUPIDITY.

Okay, that's it. No matter how, some people are not born privileged.

And I have to bear in mind that people might have to tolerate me on whatever reason too.

Just like what my Mother texted me few days ago, "Be nice to everybody".

Yes Bunda, you know how I can be nasty harsh sometimes. Maybe I was trying to be DIRECT actually.

Blame it on the 'young blood' (darah muda).

To err is human, To forget divine. As that stupid thing happens almost everyday, I clearly have no chance to avoid it.

Interestingly, God knows how hard I'm dealing with it that He sends me another one.

So, I need to have DOUBLE tolerance from now on and keep that sarcastic words from blurting again.

I wish Barney could come to cheer me up.

So that I can smile like this again. As wide as I could :D

Friday, December 3, 2010

PREAMBLE: My Version

Hello hello everyone!! Shifa in da houz... Never in million years I ever thought of having a proper blog!

I don't even know why I'm creating this Blog in the first place. Well, let me see...

Oh yea, I like to blog hopping recently and came across some a lot of really really good blogs!

I enjoyed reading them, sort of a reading therapy to me in between lunch breaks and some other breaks in the office (which could've turn to bad habit and ADDICTION in long term).

It's really relaxing anyway to read different kind of people expressing their thoughts and creative sides with bright pictures, quirky fonts and design and so forth.

And sometimes it occured to me that I'm talking to myself in response of what I'm reading, while I'm reading it. It's kinda STUPID to talk loudly alone huh? And you may ask, why don't you comment on their posts and whatnot (I asked myself that question too).

Well, I'm kinda LAZY like that. To type huh? I'm more like a silent reader. Admiring some of them without admitting it. Too EGOISTIC. And hating the rest without wanting to insult them.

Then, I was like AHA! Lemme save my precious fingers' energy to write my own. The next day, I FORGOT...

...that ambitious kind intention of mine. Erk.

And, couple weeks ago someone told me this,

"You HAVE TO do a lot of READING & WRITING," (his her advice on the preparations before I have to go to a 6-freaking-months-DIPLOMATIC-course in the near future).

So, that was it. Notice the bold, caps lock words??



Shifa and The City

Yeah, that's the name of My BLOG. Lame? No, I think it cool appropriate fit the purpose.

Talking about addiction. SATC.